The AKG team offers years of combined experience serving multiple clients, including those listed below. Clients serviced prior to the formation of AKG are listed with an asterisk (*).
- Alliant International University
- Cabrillo CCD*
- Marin CCD
- Contra Costa CCD
- Cupertino Union School District
- Desert CCD*
- El Camino CCD*
- Foothill – De Anza CCD
- Gavilan JCCD
- Hartnell CCD*
- Kern CCD*
- Los Rios CCD*
- Minarets High School*
- Ohlone CCD
- Pleasanton Union School District
- San Jose-Evergreen CCD
- Santa Rosa Junior College*
- Solano CCD
- Sonoma Valley Hospital
- Southwestern CCD*