Members of the AKG team offer years of combined experience serving multiple clients, including the ones listed below. Clients serviced prior to the formation of AKG are listed with an asterisk (*).
- Alliant International University
- Cabrillo CCD*
- Contra Costa CCD
- Cupertino Union School District
- Desert CCD*
- El Camino CCD*
- Foothill – De Anza CCD
- Gavilan JCCD
- Hartnell CCD*
- Kern CCD*
- Los Rios CCD*
- Marin CCD
- Minarets High School*
- Monterey Peninsula CCD
- Ohlone CCD
- Orinda Union School District
- Pleasanton Union School District
- San Francisco CCD
- San Jose-Evergreen CCD
- San Mateo County CCD
- Santa Rosa Junior College*
- Solano CCD
- Sonoma Valley Hospital
- Southwestern CCD*